Dan Anderson, Maggie Berman - Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man
Dan Anderson, Maggie Berman - Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man
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Witty sex guide which will appeal to watchers of Sex and the City and Will and Grace. A huge word-of-mouth success in the States.Since primitive times women have gazed over campfires, and wondered how best to please their tool-wielding men. Grunting males have offered little help or guidance for these eager-to-learn companions, instead occupying themselves with chest thumping, sports on cable and other posturing.It took aeons of Darwinian development for women to realise that the answers to their many questions were as close as the nearest telephone. Who better to unveil the mysteries of the he-man psyche than a woman's best friend, the master of refined thinking, the gay man? He knows exactly how and when to elicit that ultimate ooh-ooh, because he knows all too well what he wants.Written by best friends Dan Anderson and Maggie Berman this guide to male pleasure contains such man-pleasers as:• The Flying Wallenda position• The Upstanding Citizen• The Princeton Belly Rub• Combo plattersSo, as they say: 'double your pleasures, double your fun, and double the new ways he'll find to thank you''.