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Dante Taro kortos

Dante Taro kortos

Įprasta kaina €20,00 EUR
Įprasta kaina Išpardavimo kaina €20,00 EUR
Išpardavimas Išparduota
Mokesčiai įtraukti. Siuntimo išlaidos apskaičiuojamos atsiskaitant.

Būklė - nauja


A prestigious edition, released for the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. The great poet of immortal fame passed away in the night of September 13th 1321, years after completing the Divina Commedia, the archetypical Heroes Journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. Artwork by Guido Zibordi Marchesi, 78 cards, 70x120 mm. Instructions. Multilingual edition.

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